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Crown Sevices
Thinning, Lift, Raising, Reduction

Dead Wood
Non living branches or stems due to nature ageing or external influences.
Removal prevents risk of falling of dangerous limbs.
Removal prevents risk of falling of dangerous limbs.

Formative Pruning
Minor pruning during the early years of a trees growth to establish the desired form and/or to correct defects or weaknesses that may affect structure in later life. Formative pruning is the process of shaping a tree when it is young. Every variety has a different natural growth habit, but unpruned fruit trees will for the most part produce a crown cluttered with branches so yielding smaller, lower quality fruit.
Formative Pruning

The initial removal of the top of the tree of a prescribed height.
Once started, it should be repeated on a cyclical basis always retaining the initial pollard point
Once started, it should be repeated on a cyclical basis always retaining the initial pollard point

Hedge Maintenance
All hedges trimmed on an annual or bi-annual basis, dependant on species and regrowth of hedging

Stump Grinding
Removal of stumps using a mechanical stump grinder down to varying depths, allowing replanting on previous stump site. When trees are felled or fall, their stumps should be removed to prevent suckering and fungal root rots. Although often large and heavy, stumps can be removed with the right equipment and technique

Professional and expert in all areas of Arboriculture

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